MODEL SET- 1



1. I saw him leaving the house.(choose the  best passive voice)

   a. he had been seen leaving the house.
   b. he was seen to be leaving the house.
   c. leaving the house seen by me.
   d. he was seen leaving the house by me.

2. you name was to be written on paper.(choose the active voice )

  a. you where  asked to write your name on paper.
  b. you have to write your name on paper.
  c. you will write you name on paper.
  d. you were to write your name on paper.

3. my mother ....... 42 years old next Monday. ( choose the correct tense form )

  a. will be
  b. was
  c. will have
  d. is

4. she ..... come yet , we 're still waiting for her. (choose the best option )

  a. haven't
  b. hasn't
  c. has

5. I speak the truth . i am not afraid of it. (choose the correct combination )

  a. i am not afraid to speak the truth.
  b. i was not afaird to speak.
  c. i will not afraid to speak the truth.
  d. i have not afraid to speak the truth.

6. ........ fortune smile upon you! ( choose the best auxiliary verb )

  a. can 
  b. must
  c. should
  d. may

7. the patient .....before the doctor arrived. (choose the correct verb forms )

  a. died
  b. can
  c. will died
  d. had died

8. he said, "be quit and listen to my word." (choose the best option )

  a. he urged them to be quiet and listen to his words.
  b. he urged them and said be quit and listen to his words.
  c. he urged they should be quit and listen to his works.
  d. he said you should be quit and listen to his words.

9. he said he goes for a walk every morning. (choose the best option )

a. he said,:i went a walk every morning.'
b. he said,"I go for a walk every morning.
c. he said."I will go for a walk every morning.
d. he said,"I goes for a walk every morning.

10. in addition to ....... i gave him five hundred dollars. (choose the best meaningful expression )

  a. advision
  b. advise
  c. that I advice
  d. my adviced


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